martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Post 3: The best concert I've ever had

I've never been into concerts, I don't feel comfortable on these. I must say that I've been in four concerts on my entire life and I've never paid for go to one. Actually, I think that if I have to pay for a ticket I've never have went to one.
For this post I'm going to talk about the Lollapalooza 2011. This was the first time that this concert was performed on our country. I remember that I didn't have any expectations of go, because I knew that the ticket was really expensive but, my mom's colleague got free tickets and offered the tickets to me and two friends with the condition that I had to give her our ID number in that moment. I was on photography class at my first year at College, I didn't have my closest friends near on that moment, so I ask to my closest classmates on that moment if they want to go, they say yes. Nowadays we continues being friends.
That day I only wanted go to see to Devendra Banhart -one of my favorite musicians of the performances-. My friends didn't know him, but later of the concert they told me that listen him was a big surprise and they really enjoy it.
I don't remember more details. That day I listened a lot of artists. The simultaneous artist playing became to me in something really confused. I ended the day with a big headache and at the next day my body felt like a ache for being tight on a such small place where some concerts was performed. 
I decided talk about this experience because I went to this concert with people that I didn't knew, and, after this day they became to nearest friends of College, this it's the only memory of this day that I want to keep with me.
(Vania, Javiera and Me)

(Devendra Banhart)

(A dog in the middle of the concerts)

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

Post 2: My favorite movie

For me it's a hard decision to choose a film by another. I always said that I prefer one film that another one. Nowadays it's continues like a hard choice, because I think that the favoritisms aren't good and this changes with the past of time. Anyway, for this time I choose a film that I watch a lot of times, usually in rainy days like today when I want spend my time or kill the boredom. This film it's "Trois Couleurs: Rouge" (Three Colors: Red). I watch this film like a four times and I've never feel tired of this. 
"Rouge" (Red) it's the last one of the trilogy "Trois Couleaurs" (Three Colors) directed by Kryzstof Kieslowski, a polish film and tv director who makes the biggest part of their work at cinema. These films were inspired on the colours of the french flag, because this films are a co-production between France and Poland. The order of the films are Blanc, Bleu and Rouge (White, Blue and Rouge). The influence of the flags it's represented at the Art Direction: in each movie the predominant colors match with the color of the name at the movie. As well, the director use the ideals of French Revolution -liberty, equality and fraternity-; one for each piece of the trilogy. The last one (Red) it's inspired at fraternity how main topic.
The story takes place at Geneva, Switzerland. It's begins when we watch Valentine and Auguste had a conversation on a phone, but they don't talk to each other, they talk to their respectives couples. They are neighbours but they doesn't know one to each other. Later, with the past of the time, they known one each other at a storm at the middle of the sea.
The protagonist it's Irene Jacob who plays Valentine, an innocent university student that works occasionally how model, she have a long distance relationship. Jean-Louis Trintignant as Joseph Kern, a retired judge that  it's into spy the conversations of his neighbours. He meets to Valentine when she run over his dog -this is less serious that sounds- and she tries to save the dog and apologize with him. And, the last one of the main characters is Jean-Pierre Lorit as August, a young student of law who broke up with her girlfriend because she cheat him, this is the reason that he decided to travel and in this trip he meets Valentine and they fall in love.
I think that, although the director it's inspired on fraternity how central topic of the movie. I think that he talks too of destiny. Because the film makes me think that each possibility or election that we makes are relationated to something or someone. The characters go from to not knowing to be intimately related, like in the real life.
My favorite part is when Valentine meet Joseph. She pass to feel guilty for run over her dog, to feel surprise for the acts of the retired judge. But, later she understand the fascination that he have of hear conversations of someone else. The director use the phones to talk about disconnection between people and also to connect the characters.
If I have to change anything of the film I didn't change anything. Maybe I would watched this for first time on a cinema.